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Alice A. Whaley Michael Moriarty Linda Geyer Chip Cagle Susan E. West Rosanne D'Ausilio

Does your English pronunciation need improvement,


Would you like to have a REAL American teacher help you

practice and improve your English speaking skills? 


Formal English is great to know; however, to compete in the American culture it is necessary to possess the knowledge of informal English of a particular region of the United States. 

My many years of experience teaching classes and workshops shows me that what you are receiving from your education system is formal English that is intended for the workplace.  Do you know how to communicate well, especially how to pronounce words correctly when you are trying to advance at your job or when you are not working?

The place most people learn informal English is from neighbors or classmates.  This method is seldom a positive experience, especially because it is based on the limited knowledge that the neighbor or classmate possesses.

For example,

If someone were to ask you,

“How far away is Chicago from Minneapolis?”

Which answer would you choose? 

A)  324 miles. 

B)  About 5 hours. 


If you live in San Francisco (West Coast) or New York (East Coast), the correct answer would be A.  If you live in Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee or Minneapolis (the Midwest part of the country) the correct answer would be B.  Why?  People in one section of the country speak in terms of distance.  People in another section of the country reference time instead.

This example demonstrates one of the many nuances of the English language that you must learn so that you can gain a competitive edge in education, employment or even social circles.  You must be aware of both scenarios above or the person you are having conversation with may receive the wrong impression of you!

Another example:  

You receive an invitation from a classmate or co-worker to compete in a race on the weekend.  The inviter challenges you by saying, “I will beat you by 10 seconds any day!”  What does this mean? 

A)  Your opponent will be attacking you with a weapon on your body. 

B)  Your opponent is providing a friendly race to share camaraderie with you. 

C)  Your opponent is mean and does not care about you—if you fall he/she will keep going to the finish line. 


B or C.  Many foreigners will choose A because of the way they are taught the meaning of “beat” in their own country (a musical rhythm, or the physical attack of a person or an object).  How do you know whether your opponent is communicating B or C?  You need to understand the additional tone, demeanor and body language that the English language also uses to convey a message.


Your style of speaking or writing is dependent upon your choice of words and good diction.

Your accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality that you manifest to an individual usually gets judged by regional standards of acceptability and enunciation.


I hold a degree in Writing Intensive English with an emphasis on the Biological Sciences from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  I have lived on the West Coast and in the East. I am familiar with American speaking styles and accents. For the past 15 years, my company has instructed older adults on computer use and technology at senior centers, private homes and independent living centers.  While attending Marquette University, I worked in physiology research for several years at the Medical College of Wisconsin and raised many children of my own and others. Prior to my own business, I was employed for almost two decades in the legal and manufacturing fields.  My university degree taught me speaking, research and technical writing skills.  I have over 35 years experience managing people, particularly focusing on public speaking and teaching computers in the corporate and general business world, the private sector and at primary/secondary/college institutions. 

I am proud to share with you that all of my children are receiving or utilizing higher education either at a university or in the business world.  I have also hosted more than nine foreign exchange students in my home and helped them improve their command of the American English language.  All have either successfully passed their TOEFL or IELTS tests the first time, or continued with immediate acceptance into university or a profession.

You can improve your English using

common, everyday spoken or written language

most familiar to schools, employers and citizens. 


Register today so I can start mentoring you locally or online from the comfort of your own home or internet café!

Who is this for?

My Requirements:

  1. Skype Video with Speakers/Microphone (for verbal conversation classes)
  2. Skype Chat (for written conversation classes)
  3. Internet connection sufficient to have fluid video or chat
  4. A positive and friendly attitude, regardless of your age
  5. and

Skype Requirements:

qq.com Requirements

Why is this method better than the tutoring conducted in your home country?

  1. I am familiar with and can teach you formal and informal American English.
  2. This method of oral practice to improve your English skills with someone in America is better than practice with someone in your own country. They may be unfamiliar with the trends as they occur in the American culture.
  3. My life experiences with family, work and social situations that I share during your learning process will give you a fuller appreciation for the English language. 
  4. Classes in your country may be much larger.  I limit the size of my groups.
  5. I have many creative and resourceful ways to help you gain a command of the English language—including proverbs, jokes, humor, poems, songs, rhymes, stories and current events!

Register today for five weeks of one-hour courses to improve your verbal conversation with a group of others. You can compare notes and receive help with enunciation and pronunciation. You may register today for as many course sessions on multiple days as you wish!  While you will obviously receive corrections to your speaking and pronunciation skills, we will also have fun and entertaining conversation that will also help you improve your written skills, knowledge of current events and personal style!

Session Details:         

Classes are held for 5 weeks.  As soon as there are enough registrants for a time slot, we will begin the session.

Available time slots:    Central Standard Time (-6:00 UTC)

Students Enrolled

Max 4 students (skype)

15 students (local)


8:15-9:15 am


9:30-10:30 am


8:15-9:15 am


9:30-10:30 am


8:15-9:15 am


9:30-10:30 am


8:15-9:15 am


9:30-10:30 am


10:45-11:45 am


12:00-1:00 pm


1:15-2:15 pm


8:15-9:15 am


9:30-10:30 am


10:45-11:45 am


12:00-1:00 pm


1:15-2:15 pm

Fees for verbal conversational sessions:

            4 or more students:         $17 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            3 students:                    $23 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            2 students:                    $35 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            Private/1:                      $70 USD/hour for one 5 week session

Fees for written conversational sessions:

            4 students:                    $15 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            3 students:                    $20 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            2 students:                    $25 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            Private/1:                      $50 USD/hour for one 5 week session

Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express accepted, payable in advance of each

5-week session


Consider the better value I offer you with my services:


Cost to attend study English abroad programs typically average:

Around $2,300/month for general English courses (30-35 lessons/week)

Travel (at least $1,000 each time you go home and return)

Airport fees ($50-$200 each time you go home and return)

Housing ($600-800/month for doubles, more for singles)

Food expenses ($200-400/month)

Health/travel insurance ($90-$150/month)

Other incidentals ($60-$200/month)

Financial support guarantee from bank ($50-$100)

Passport and Visa expenses ($100-$500). 

You also do not know the background or qualifications of the instructors in study abroad programs, or whether you will complete the curriculum during the session.  You have my value to you briefly outlined above.  

My valuable assistance will enhance whichever method you choose to reinforce and practice your language skills!

Registration Form

Please complete by typing or printing in English in BLOCK CAPITAL letters

What is missing from your current English language experience that you would like to cover in these sessions?




Do you plan on attending a US university or college after studying English?

_____ Yes _____ No

Have you already been accepted to a US institution? _____ Yes _____ No

If yes, name of institution _________________________________________________

Payment responsibility:

I agree to be responsible for payment for class session(s) with _____1, _____2, _____3, _____4 students (check all that apply) and agree to pay the appropriate fee(s) for the number of students in the class.

Fees:    4 students:       $17 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            3 students:       $23 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            2 students:       $35 USD/hour each for one 5 week session

            Private/1:         $70 USD/hour for one 5 week session

Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express accepted, payable in advance.  Once a session starts, all fees are non-refundable.

Signature __________________________________________________________

Print name _________________________________________________________

Relationship to student _______________________________________________

Student Registration

Full Name of student (as shown on passport) _______________________________

Nickname ______________________________________________

Gender ________Male  ________ Female

Mailing Address ___________________________________________________

City ______________________ State/Province _____________________

Country _________________________ Postal Code _________________

Mobile: __________________________ IM ________________________

Skypename __________________________ Email ______________________

How did you learn about my sessions?




Send to alice@thelearningevent.com


Mail to:

The Learning Event LLC

PO Box 71103

Shorewood WI 53211 USA

800-809-4748 (US)

Skype thelearningevent


© 2005-2017 The Learning Event, Shorewood, WI 53211-1103